Reasons for Low Testosterone in Males Under 30: How to Fix It?

Low Testosterone in Men can be a signal for infertility. It occurs due to several factors. But it affects sperm quality, mobility, and bone health.

Gone are those days when Low Testosterone in Men was confined to middle-aged males. The occurrence of low testosterone can happen at any age.

With the general trend, males under 30 are experiencing signs of low testosterone.

If you wonder How to Fix Low Testosterone, we have got it covered for you. Exercises can help you as well as diet.

Push ups are particularly effective. And if you’ve been wondering Why Do Push Ups Increase Testosterone, the answer is its muscle engaging moves.

Though, Push-Up and Testosterone level increment is one observation. We would look for many more ways to overcome low t levels.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone in Males Under 30

The most important way to diagnose is to look for symptoms. There are some recurring signs.

Look out for these symptoms:

· Erectile dysfunction

· Rapid hair loss

· Constant fatigued state

· Anxiety

· Decreased sexual interests

· Irregular sleep

· Enhancement of breasts

· Memory loss

· Reduced bone mass

In the case of low testosterone levels, more than one symptom would be present. 

These signs are alerting you. You need to find a solution fast before things get out of hand. As mentioned, the effects of exercise can be everlasting.
In fact, according to several Internet articles that answer Do Push Ups Increase Testosterone, the answer is positive if you know the right moves.

Before delving into it, let’s look at some of the causes of low testosterone among under 30 males.

Causes of Low Testosterone

The occurrence of low t levels under 30 is a product of lifestyle change.

Yet, several factors loom over its cause.

The Causes of Low Testosterone in males are:

#1. Excessive Stress and Anxiety

Having too much stress hinders hormones. These hormones play an important role in determining testosterone levels.

#2. Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol causes damage to the body. The extent of consumption overlaps with low t levels. It also affects the quality of sperm.

#3. High Cholesterol Level

High cholesterol level in the body leads to several ailments like strokes, low testosterone in men, and obesity. It’s the most common reason for declining testosterone in males under 30.

#4. Past Injuries

Injuries leave scars forever. Sometimes, they affect us more than we know. Any untreated injury may trigger hormonal imbalance.

#5. Hormone Imbalance

Hormones are the factors that help the production of testosterone. Any change in hormone levels can affect testosterone.

#6. Genetic Factor

Though it is not a tested way, genetics may have a role to play in maintaining t levels. Low testosterone in your family may be common among generations.

The causes of the problem are many. But now we move on to the treatment.

The most popular search: Why Does Push Ups Increase Testosterone? is the key element of the answer.

How Do You Fix Low Testosterone?

Here are some of the ways you can use to increase testosterone levels naturally:

#1. Exercises

The brain algorithm works upon gland activation. The metabolism increases with exercises and the brain responds well. The increased response helps in better regulation of testosterone levels.

Scientific studies have discovered the adrenaline gland, that boosts t-level, increases with exercises. The most effective exercise for this is push-up. Try these variations:

· Half-moon push up

· Sphinx Push up

· Resistance training exercise

· Pull-ups

· Squats

#2. Diet and Lifestyle

Here’s what to eat:

· Carb based food

For muscle strength, it’s very important to eat carbohydrates. Add them to increase testosterone.

· Leafy veggies

Fiber is important to boost testosterone. Good sources of fiber include leafy vegetables.

· Hydration

Water is brain food. Increase intake for better release of testosterone.

· Protein levels

Protein is a body-building food. The lack of protein is another reason for low testosterone. Add egg, beef, or lentils to your diet.

· Superfood

Superfoods like nuts and eggs are important for brain hormones. They release testosterone. Low T-levels under 30 are curable through intake of superfood.

What Foods to Avoid:

· Saturated fat laced food

· Processed food

· Alcohol

· Dairy products

Mistakes to Avoid

There are some common mistakes committed by men which may lower testosterone. These should be avoided at all costs:

· Not doing warmups

· Lack of H2O

· Not recovering after exercises

· Negligence to sleep

· Skipping strength exercises


Low T-levels in men are a product of time. With pollution and diet changes, this has become very common.

T-levels are regulated by brain hormones. The ability to stimulate them depends on fitness. Those are controlled by fitness and exercises.

A low level of testosterone causes several complications including mood swings. One should always try to boost them up through push ups, muscle engaging exercises, and diet.

With push ups, a proper diet, and some other lifestyle changes, you can increase t-count at the earliest.